
    • 中文名:贾米亚·西蒙尼·纳什
    • 英文名:Jamia Simone Nash
    • 性别:
    • 星座:狮子座
    • 出生日期:1996年08月21日
    • 出生地:美国,弗吉尼亚州,弗吉尼亚海滩
    • 职业:演员 / 配音
    • imdb编号:nm1502417
    With a bold voice and signature delivery that belies her thirteen years, Jamia Simone Nash, known simply as "Jamia", is definitely a superstar on the rise. Since the ripe 'old' age of two, Jamia has been singing with incredible conviction and building a notable career as a successful multi-hyphenate -- singer, stage performer and actor -- rivaling...